Eur J Musculoskel Dis 2021 May-Aug;10(2):47-54



S.Y. Fusello and A. Seccamani

Postgraduate School of Orthodontics, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy

Correspondence to:
Angelo Seccamani, DDS
Postgraduate School of Orthodontics, University of Ferrara,
Via Luigi Borsari 46,
Ferrara 44121, Italy

Received: 20 July, 2021
Accepted: 22 August, 2021

Copyright: © 2021

ISSN: 2038-4106

This publication and/or article is for individual use only and may not be further reproduced without written permission from the copyright holder. Unauthorized reproduction may result in financial and other penalties.

Disclosure: All authors report no conflicts of interest relevant to this article.


The aim of this study is to compare the results in terms of accuracy and outcome of a group of manual set-ups with a group of set-ups performed with digital software. A clinical case of an adult patient was selected with a skeletal class I (with a slight tendency to a skeletal class III), normodivergent, with normoinclination of the upper and lower incisors. The following was performed, starting from the plaster models or digital models of the patient: 10 manual set-ups by 5 dental technicians (each dental technician repeated the set-up twice with an average interval between the first and second set-up of 2 weeks), and 10 digital set-ups by 5 orthodontists with 3Shape software (each orthodontist repeated the set up twice with an average interval between the first and second set-up of 2 weeks). Intra and inter-arch parameters were evaluated and analysed for each manual and digital set-up. The sample includes 560 pairs of measurements (TIP, TORQUE) according to the following scheme: the TIP and TORQUE of 10 manual set-ups of 28 dental elements for each tooth were evaluated; a total of 5 operators carried out the sample of 10 manual set-ups; therefore each operator performed two set-ups, the coefficient of the agreement was equal to 0.49 for the TIP and 0.37 for the TORQUE between the first test and the second test. The TIP and TORQUE of 10 digital set-ups of 28 dental elements for each tooth were evaluated; a total of 5 operators carried out the sample of 10 digital set-ups, and the concordance coefficient was equal to 0.57 for the TIP and 0.96 for the TORQUE between the first test and the second test. The average difference for TIP was greater than (p<0.0001) with the manual set-up (average 4.2, SD 4.6) than with the digital set-up (average 2.7, SD 2.7). The average difference for TORQUE was also higher (p<0.0001) with the manual set-up (average 8.1, SD 8.4) than with the digital set-up (average 3.7, SD 3.2). The digital set-up proved to be more precise than the manual set-up for all the variables examined with correct values of OB and OJ, flattened Spee and Wilson curves, coincident midlines, correct occlusal relationships, close interproximal contacts, absence of diastemas and relationships intra and inter-arch.

KEYWORDS: orthodontic, set-up, manual, digital, diagnosis, 3Shape

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