Eur J Musculoskel Dis 2023 Jan-Apr; 12(1):9-14



B. Sayahpour1, M. Hakim2, S. Eslami3*, M. Khoylou4, S. Buehling1, A. Jamilian5,6, K. Ferati7, A. Palermo8, A. Mancini9, E. Xhajanka10 and S. Kopp1

1Department of Orthodontics, Johann-Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany;
2Private Orthodontic Practice, Weiterstadt, Germany;
3Private Orthodontic Practice, Düsseldorf, Germany;
4Private Orthodontic Practice, Düsseldorf, Germany;
5City of London Dental School, University of Bolton, London, UK;
6Orthodontic Department, Dental school, Tehran Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran;
7 Faculty of Medicine, University of Tetovo, Tetovo, Macedonia;
8 College of Medicine and Dentistry, Birmingham, UK;
9 Interdisciplinary Department of Medicine, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Bari, Italy;
10Medical University of Tirana, Rruga e Dibrës, Tirana, Albania

*Correspondence to:
Sara Eslami, DDS
Private practice, International Orthodontist,
Grafenberger Allee 57,
40237, Düsseldorf, Germany.


Received: 16 January 2023
Accepted: 24 February  2023
Copyright © by BIOLIFE
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Disclosure: all authors report no conflicts of interest relevant to this article.


This study evaluated the performance of two different polishing methods on the enamel surface roughness of teeth following adhesive removal with a tungsten carbide bur. To this end, we examined 45 premolar teeth, randomly divided into three groups (C, SLD, and BG) with 15 teeth per group. To experiment, we attached stainless steel brackets to all three groups and later removed the brackets with debonding pliers. Afterwards, the composite resin remnant on the enamel surface was removed with a composite finishing tungsten carbide bur in all three groups. Group C did not receive any polishing after adhesive removal. Group SLD and BG underwent a polishing process using Sof-Lex discs (SLD) and Brownie-Greenie (BG), respectively. Subsequently, the areal enamel surface roughness parameters were analysed using the Keyence VK-X100 laser scanning microscope (LSM) at 10x, 20x, and 50x magnification. The results demonstrate significantly less surface roughness following both polishing methods compared to the control group. Furthermore, group SLD showed significantly less surface roughness compared to BG (p<0.01).

KEYWORDS: bonding, dental adhesives, orthodontic brackets, dental resins, surface roughness

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