Eur J Musculoskel Dis 2024 Jan-Apr; 13(1):41-45
G. Barassi1,5, G. Di Stefano1, R. Pellegrino2, A. Di Iulio3, V. Gildone4, G. Pensa4, M. Cipriano4, M. Matarese4, F. d’Alessandro4, F. Sacco4, L. Prosperi5, C. Marinucci5 and M. Panunzio6
1Center for Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation and Reeducation (Ce.Fi.R.R.), venue Castelnuovo della Daunia Thermal Center, Castelnuovo della Daunia, Italy;
2Antalgic Mini-invasive and Rehab-Outpatients Unit, Department of Medicine and Science of Aging, Centre of Sports Medicine, “G. d’Annnunzio” University, Chieti, Italy;
3Department of Thoracic Surgery, “Santo Spirito” Civil Hospital, Pescara, Italy;
4Castelnuovo della Daunia Thermal Center, Castelnuovo della Daunia, Italy;
5Center for Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation and Reeducation (Ce.Fi.R.R.), venue “G. d’Annnunzio” University of Chieti, Chieti, Italy;
6Center for Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation and Re-Education (Ce.Fi.R.R.), venue Gemelli Molise Spa, Professionalization Didactic Center, “Catholic” University of Rome/Campobasso, Campobasso, Italy
Correspondence to:
Giovanni Barassi, PhD
Center for Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation and Reeducation (Ce.Fi.R.R.) Training Center,
Gabriele d’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara,
66013, Chieti, Italy
This analytical retrospective observational study aims to demonstrate the effects of Focused Mechano-Acoustic Vibrations (FMVs) on people affected by neuromuscular diseases. A total of 11 patients (age 58 ± 11) underwent a protocol consisting of three weekly sessions of FMVs for one month, applied to patients affected by neuromuscular disease. Assessments made through a stabilometric platform before and after the rehabilitation protocol revealed positive, although not statistically significant, variations of the characteristics of the Center of Pressure and of the Romberg Index of patients recruited for the study. Our experience showed that the application of FMVs could be a useful tool in the rehabilitation of neuromuscular diseases. These new integrated approaches can be used in the rehabilitation field in a multidisciplinary and multispecialistic way.
KEYWORDS: physiotherapy, rehabilitation, neurological disorders, vibration