European Journal of Musculoskeletal Diseases 2016; 5(2)Jul-Dec: 47-52



P. Santos de Oliveira1, T. Pedroni Mantovaneli1, F. Inchingolo2, G. Dipalma2, G. Falisi3, F. Di Carlo4, C. Bugea4
and F. Lorusso4

1Department of Oral Implantology, Dental Research Division, College Ingà, UNINGÁ, Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Brazil;
2Department of Interdisciplinary Medicine, University of Medicine Aldo Moro, Bari, Italy;
3Department of Life Health and Environmental Sciences, University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy;
4Department of Innovative Technologies in Medicine & Dentistry, University of Chieti-Pescara, Chieti, Italy

*Correspondence to:
Dott. Felice Lorusso, DDS.
Department of Medical, Oral and Biotechnological Sciences,
University of Chieti-Pescara,
Via Dei Vestini 31,
66100 Chieti Italy

Received: 29 May 2016
Accepted: 02 July 2016
Copyright © by BIOLIFE
This publication and/or article is for individual use only and may not be further reproduced without written permission from the copyright holder. Unauthorized reproduction may result in financial and other penalties. Disclosure: all authors report no conflicts of interest relevant to this article.


Dental and medical treatments are a source of stress for the patient, with intense psychosomatic alterations due to pain and anxiety. Stress induces an increase in arterial blood pressure and tachycardia. The investigation aims to evaluate the blood pressure during implant surgery at pre, peri and post-operative phases. A non-invasive pressure monitoring was performed by a digital device, prior to injecting anaesthesia, during implant insertion and after stitching sutures. Immediately before and after implant surgery, systolic pressure was significantly higher than the patient’s standard pressure. Alterations of systolic pressure are observed before and after dental treatment. Therefore, pressure monitoring is highly recommended during the surgical procedure.

KEYWORDS: pressure, artery, implant, dentistry, pulse, pressure, hypertension

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