Annals of Stomatology 2024 May-August; 2(2): 52-60



L. Tomaselli

Correspondence to:
Luigi Tomaselli, DDS, MS
Private practice,
Via Azzurra 26,
40138 Bologna, Italy

Received: 02 May  2024
Accepted: 31 May 2024
ISSN 2975-1276 [online]
Copyright 2024 © by BIOLIFE
This publication and/or article is for individual use only and may not be further reproduced without written permission from the copyright holder. Unauthorized reproduction may result in financial and other penalties. Disclosure: all authors report no conflicts of interest relevant to this article.


                 In recent years, an intra-oral welding technique (IOWT) was introduced to allow immediate implant loading and transform a removable denture into a temporary full-arch rehabilitation. It is an evolutionary solution for implant-supported dentures in terms of function and cost. IOWT lets rigid connections among fixtures occur immediately after implant insertion by welding a titanium bar to connect abutments. The removable denture is adapted to the patient’s oral cavity according to height, chewing, and speech. The titanium framework is immersed in the denture’s inner part by resin. Finally, abutments are unscrewed, the denture removed, polished, and screwed again onto implants. This way, it is possible to immediately deliver a full arch rehabilitation after free-hand placing implants and transforming the patient’s removable denture into a temporary full arch rehabilitation. Here, a case series is reported, and the literature is reviewed.

KEYWORDS: intra-oral, welding, removable, denture, full-arch, rehabilitation, prosthesis

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